

Spanish Alpabeth

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Verbs: Comprar (to buy) & Querer (to want)

This past week the students have been learning two new simple verbs: Comprar to buy and Querer to want.

They were ask to complete 6 sentences using the verbs and the subject pronoun.

Querer = to want
yo quiero
tu quieres
el/ella quiere
nosotros queremos
vosotors quereis
ustedes quiere

C0mprar = to buy
yo compro
tu compras
el/ella compra
nosotros compramos
vosotros comprais
ustedes ccompran

The homework for 3/24/2010 was to use both verbs in the same sentence using the examples given in class.

Some exmples:
I want to buy a car
yo quiero comprar un coche

You want to buy a pencil
Tu quieres comprar un lapiz

He/she wants to buy a pen
el/ella quiere comprar una pluma

We want to buy a blouse
Nosotros queremos comprar una blusa

You all want to buy a hat
vosotors quereis comprar una gorra.

They want to buy a desk
Ustedes quieren comprar un pupitre.

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