

Spanish Alpabeth

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Review for tomorrows Exam

Review Sheets: This activities we have done during class. Worksheet (1) the highlighted sentences are the correct answers.




Ser: is a permanent verb and it has three rules (a) telling time; (b) counting money; (c) adjectives: describing characteristics in a person, thing or place. Nationality, Race and Ethnicity are also considered adjectives.
ESTAR: is a temporary verb and also has three rules to follow; (a) emotions; (b) feelings and (c) location.
Adjective: describing a noun
Noun: place, thing or person
Singular: one thing or person
Plural: more than one thing or person: the plural is identify by adding an (S) to the end of a word.

Subject Pronoun: yo, tu, el/ella, nosotros, vosotros, ustedes

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